Thursday 30 January 2014

                          REFLECTION FOR JANUARY 2014   PETER MILLAR


At the start of the year

One of my earlier poems as we start out on another year, opening our hearts to what lies ahead, even if largely unknown…..

It’s the hug,
It’s the crazy joke,
It’s the warm hand,
It’s the fish and chips.

It’s the sudden laughter,
It’s the silent tears,
It’s the washing up,
It’s the touch of love.

It’s the quiet smile,
It’s the burnt toast,
It’s the tender note,
It’s the lost glasses.

It’s the hidden pain,
It’s the long search,
It’s the truth telling,
It’s the inner healing.

It’s the intimacy,
It’s the parting,
It’s the tears,
It’s the farewell.

It’s life,
It’s death,
It’s the Spirit
Of blessing.

It’s the God,
Of surprises
Met again
On the journey.

***** Thank you again for your many messages received since the start of the year. I am sorry this Reflection comes a bit late. As the year begins, there are many places of darkness and despair in the world, but let us not forget that there are also countless signs of light, of deep compassion, of prayer, of truth-seeking, and of sacrificial love, often in these places where there is great suffering. We are all invited by God, whatever our situation, to be a people of hope. That’s not always easy, and we all experience dark days in our lives. Yet in trying, however falteringly, to be “ a people of hope” we have One with us who is the ultimate hope for the world. As the old Christian Worker’s Prayer put it succinctly, even if in old-fashioned language!

Lord, give me love and common sense,
And standards that are high;
Give me calm and confidence,
And please, a twinkle in my eye!